Rule Sets
A Rule Set is a grouping of routing rules that are logically related in some way. You must apply a set of rules to a device, rather than a single rule—although you can create a Rule Set that contains only a single rule if needed.
Although there are a number of factors to consider when planning your Rule Sets, these questions help you get started:
- which devices require exceptions to the standard Equitrac request handling?
- do you need to limit access to devices based on user group?
- do you need a set of rules that apply to color printing or copying vs. monochrome printing or copying?
For example, you might want to create a set of rules that apply to Desktop printing only, but you might also need a set of rules designed to limit printing or copying access during certain hours.
Rule Sets contain one or more rules. You can combine rule types (print, copy, desktop print) within a Rule Set to accommodate multi-function devices. All rules within the set are applied to a device.