Apply a Rule Set
You can apply a Rule Set at the device (physical and embedded) or print queue level. If using control terminals or interfaces, you can also apply a Rule Set at the terminal level. In cases where rules are set at different levels (e.g. you set an "allow" color rule at the physical device level, and set a "deny" color rule at the print queue level), Equitrac processes rules in the following order:
- Print Queue
- Control terminal/embedded device (copy rules only)
- Physical Device
Using the color rule example, color printing to the device is denied because the deny Rule Set on the queue is processed first.
Before you can apply a Rule Set, you must first create the Rule Set in Rules & Routing. When the Rule Sets are in place, you can assign rules at the required levels. Click the Devices link, then click on the physical device, queue, or terminal to open its summary dialog box. In the Behavior section, select the Rule set you want to assign from the drop-down list.
When you make changes to existing print rule criteria, or apply different Rule Sets to queuing actions, the changes affect all subsequent print jobs. Changes do not affect documents currently in the print queue.
It is also important to note that Rule Sets override the secure printing setting on a device queue. If the following conditions are met, an Allow rule overrides the secure printing setting, and the job is not held in the secure queue:
- you set secure printing on a queue
- you assign a Rule Set that includes a Print Allow rule to the physical device or queue
- Equitrac matches the Allow rule to the attributes of an incoming print job
For more information on secure printing, see Enable Secure Printing.