Install Equitrac USB Card Reader plugin
To use USB Card Readers on Fuji Xerox devices you need to make sure that the Fuji Xerox device supports USB Card Readers - APEOS IV Generation 2 devices and APEOS V devices or higher support USB Card Readers, these devices may also require the optional USB Hub to be installed on the device.
For quality purposes, it is recommend that you confirm that the specific devices support USB Card Readers. You can find required device firmware or options available with your local Fuji Xerox representative.
Before you install the Equitrac USB card reader plugin on your MFP, ensure that SSL is enabled on the device.
To install the Equitrac USB card reader plugin, do the following:
- Obtain and run the fxplugininstaller.exe installer file for your Fuji Xerox device.
- On the Equitrac USB card reader plugin description dialog, click Next to continue with the plugin.
The Equitrac USB card reader plugin - Device Selection dialog opens.
The Equitrac USB card reader plugin - Operation Selection dialog opens.
- The Equitrac USB card reader plugin - Confirm Operation dialog opens. Review and confirm the operation by clicking the Install button.
- The Equitrac USB card reader plugin - Operation in progress dialog opens. When the connection to the device is made, click Next.
- The Equitrac USB card reader plugin - Completion dialog opens with the list containing details of the operation
- Click Finish.