Configure WorkCentre 52xx, 7232/7242, 73xx, and 74xx series
All configuration of the WorkCentre 52xx, 7232/7242, and 73xx MFPs is performed via
the Internet Services interface. No configuration at the MFP console is required.
Note: If prompted to reboot during this process, reboot and resume configuration
at the next step.
Open a Web browser and enter the URL
http://<MFP IP address>
in the Address field. - Select the Properties tab, and login with your Administrator user ID and Password if prompted.
- In the left pane, select the Services folder, then the Custom Services subfolder, and then Custom Services.
- In the right pane, ensure that Custom Services is set to Enabled, then click Apply. The Custom Services button should now be present on the MFP user interface when All Services is selected.
- In the left pane, select the Accounting folder, then the Accounting Configuration subfolder.
In the Authentication Configuration > Step 1 of 2 page, set the
following options:
- Select Network Accounting from the Accounting Type list.
- Enable the services you want to track on this MFP: Copy, Fax, Scan, and Print.
- Select Yes from the Verify User Details list.
Select No from the Verify User Details for Printer Jobs
list. (Jobs will not print if set to Yes.)
Note: For models 72x2 with older firmware, it may be necessary to set the Verify User Details option to No in order to avoid transactions being recorded against “Unidentified user”.
- Select Display User ID & Account ID Prompts from the Customize User Prompts drop-down list. Failure to set this option causes transactions to be recorded against “Unidentified user”.
- Click Apply to save these settings.
Click Reboot Machine, if prompted.
Note: While the MFP is rebooting, do not click anywhere on the web page, as an error message indicating that services are unavailable will appear. If this occurs, once the device is back online, you will need to login again to the web page and navigate to the applicable menu before continuing.
- In the left pane, select the Security folder, then the Authentication Configuration subfolder.
In the Authentication Configuration > Step 1 of 2 page, set the
following options:
- Select Xerox Secure Access from the Login Type list.
- Select Off from the Guest User list.
- Leave all other options unchanged.
- Click Apply to save the settings.
- Reboot the machine when prompted. Do not click anywhere on the web page until the reboot is complete.
- Click Next to continue to the Authentication Configuration > Step 2 of 2 page.
- To lock the front panel of the MFP, click the Configure button beside the Device Access option.
- Set the All Services Pathway to Locked, and then click Apply.
- Reboot the machine when prompted. Do not click anywhere on the Web page until the reboot is complete.
- To lock some, but not all, of the Services, click the Configure button located beside the Service Access option.
On the Service Access page, select the services you want to control access to,
then click Save.
- Locked (Show Icon) - the service appears on the MPF control panel, but cannot be accessed without authentication.
- Unlocked - the service appears on the control panel and is accessible without authentication.
- Click the Apply button to save all of the Configuration Authentication settings.
- In the left pane, select the Security folder, then the Remote Authentication Servers subfolder, and then XeroxSecureAccess Settings.
In the Xerox Secure Access Settings page in the right pane, set the following
Set Local Login to Enabled (checked) if you want to make
the keyboard access button visible.
Note: Although the Local Login setting is optional, ensure that you check this option at first configuration. After first initialization, this option can only be enabled if the device is cleared from all settings (back to the factory defaults).
- Set Get Accounting Code to Enabled (checked). You must select this option to enable authentication.
- Set the Connection Time-Out value to at least 15 seconds, or a larger value to avoid timeout messages on the MFP.
Set Local Login to Enabled (checked) if you want to make
the keyboard access button visible.
- Click Apply to save these settings and to complete the configuration of this MFP.
- Click Reboot Machine, then close the web browser.