This procedure shows how to create access control profiles for users, groups, and departments.
Device Configuration dialog box for the device is not open already, follow instructions in
Configure Output Manager devices before continuing with this procedure.
Perform these steps only if access control is required.
Access control can be configured for users, groups, and departments. If access control is not configured, a default profile with full
access is provided for new users.
In the Device Configuration dialog box, click the Device Details tab.
Select Unified client.
In the Unified Client box, click Configure
access control.
Click the appropriate tab to configure access control for Users, Groups, or Departments.
Click the browse button (...) for the user, group, or
department that you want to configure.
In the Manage MFP ACL Profiles dialog box, you can create or edit ACL profiles for the selected user,
group, or department.
Click New to create an MFP ACL profile.
You do not need to restart the Combined Client for Ricoh to implement the changes. The
changes take effect the next time users log in to the Combined Client for Ricoh.