Document and activity variants
Create variants against a document type and specify the fields to ignore. Thus, you can have one generic document and present it differently depending on the variant in use.
You may have one generic document type, such as an Invoice; however, some of the fields may not apply to all types of invoices. For example, Company A does not include a discount field in their invoice whereas Company B always includes discounts with a specific value.
When this document type is used within a scan, validation, verification, or document review form, the fields configured to be ignored do not display and are considered valid for the lifetime of this document.
To support multi-stage validation, you can create an activity variant for a document variant to show and hide fields. This enables multiple resources to validate a document in stages with the visible fields considered valid for the activity but possibly invalid for the document.
If you set the fields as ignored in a Document or Activity variant, the fields exist on the form but are hidden. Use a variant only for fields that do not have additional condition rules around usage.
You can also use a Display rule action to hide the fields.
The document variant option is only available when you generate a Scan create new job or Scan - Activity form. Variants are not available on the file upload or any other capture controls; documents captured this way can be updated to apply a variant using the SDK.
When you apply a validation rule, all hidden fields are considered valid, and if you configure a multi-field validation rule and some of the required fields are hidden, the multi-field rule is not executed.
When you take an activity or create a new job using Scan, the variant is applied to the document at the point of creation, the variant version is then set to the latest active version. If the variant does not exist at that point, the document is stamped with the variant, but the version is set to 0. The only way to update this and apply the variant is to re-classify the document.
You can copy a variant within a document type or from a parent document type to a child without the need to recreate the entire variant manually to make small adjustments.
How to: