Build a Multiview activity form
Use multi-view activity forms when you need to view other systems or data needed to complete an activity.
You can build forms for multiple activities and display those forms with additional content using a navigation menu. Using this form, you can display a primary form and navigate to other forms while maintaining context. You must define at least one navigation menu before creating a multiview activity form.
You can generate only one form for an activity.
The generated capture form has the following format: <ProcessName>_<ActivityName>_<form type>. For example, in the LoanApproval_VerifySalary_Scan form, LoanApproval is the process name, VerifySalary is the activity name, and Scan is the form type.
All the process initialization variables and the variables used as input or output to the activity appear as corresponding controls on the form. Input variables are read-only; output variables are editable controls.
- Navigate to .
On the
Generate list, select
Multiview activity forms. Alternatively, select
Generate multiview activity forms on the context menu of the process and case
definitions for which you want to build the form.
The Generate multiview activity forms dialog box is displayed.
On the
Process list, select a process.
A list of the activities showing the form name, category, activity name, process name, and activity type, appears in the table.
Manage the activities list as follows:
By default, all activities are selected. To exclude an activity from the generated form, clear the check box for that activity.
Make sure that at least one activity is selected. -
By default, the activities from the embedded processes are also included in the list. To exclude embedded process activities from generating forms, clear the check box for Include embedded processes.
By default, the name of the generated form appears in the Associated file property of the corresponding activity. To keep the name from appearing as an Associated file property, clear the check box for Update processes with associated forms.
To save the activity changes to your work queue at runtime, select
Include save button.
The Save button appears at runtime when the user takes the activity.
To complete the activity and take the next activity from your work queue at runtime, select
Include complete and next button.
The "Complete and Next" button appears at runtime when you take the activity. It helps to complete the current activity and take the next activity from your work queue.
By default, the generated form name is the same as the activity name and has the same category to which the process
belongs. To change the form name and category, do the following:
- Select the activity and click .
- Enter a different form name in the Form name field.
- On the Category list, select a category.
- Click OK
Select the
Navigation to use. You can use the navigation to navigate from one form to
The navigation appears on your form at runtime.
- To add a menu to the navigation, enter the Menu name.
- By default, the Menu position is Top. To place the menu at the bottom of the navigation pane, select Bottom.
- Click Generate and save to save the generated form. Alternatively, to release the form, click Generate and release.
When you open the generated form, in the form properties panel, the selected navigation appears under the "Vertical menu" list in the Header and Navigation Menus group. You can change the Multiview navigation menu from vertical to horizontal or vice versa.
Change the settings of a process or activity on which the form is generated. See View associations for an Activity form and Multiview activity form.
Configure and customize forms, see Properties of a composite control and Customize forms.
Edit a multiview activity form
Navigate to
The Forms page appears.
On the list of forms, click the multiview activity form to open.
The form opens in a new browser tab. The existing properties of the form are displayed in the properties panel.
Under the
Header and Navigation Menus group, by default, the navigation selected when
building the multiview form appears under the
Vertical menu list and the
Use for multiview check box is selected. You can change the default header
form, change the navigation menu from vertical to horizontal by selecting the corresponding Use for multiview check box, and
associate different navigation for the horizontal menu or the vertical menu.
You must select the default or a specific navigation menu to use. This means, you cannot release the form if you set the Horizontal menu or Vertical menu to None.
You can associate the form with another process.
- On the form modeling bar, click .
Update associated file, select a different Process to associate.
The activities associated with the selected process appear on the Activity list.
- On the Activity list, select the activity to use.
The form is updated with the selected process and activity.
- Make the other changes as needed.
- Save and release the form.