Build an MFP activity forms
An MFP activity form automatically generates activity forms for scan and ordinary activities.
The generated form has the following format for each activity in the process:
For a capture activity: <Form name>_<Activity name>_ <Form Type>. For example, in the LoanApproval_VerifySalary_Scan form, LoanApproval is the process name, VerifySalary is the activity name, and Scan is the form type.
For an ordinary activity: <Form name><Activity name>.
This form can only be generated for MFP-friendly activities.
Only Tablet (renamed to MFP) and Desktop versions are available for the MFP activity form. The Tablet version of the form can only be touch-enabled; it cannot be a non-touch form.
Input variables are read-only, and the output variables are editable controls on the form. The Scan activity form contains the Scan, Scan settings, and Cancel buttons by default. The Activity form for an ordinary activity contains the Complete and Cancel buttons by default.
The Save button is only available for the Activity forms if you select to include the Save button.
Navigate to
The Forms page appears.
On the
Generate list, select
MFP activity forms.
Alternatively, select Generate MFP activity forms on the context menu of the process for which you want to build the form.
The MFP activity forms dialog box is displayed.
On the
Process list, select the process.
A list of MFP-ready activities with the process names and their respective activity names, and activity types, appears.
By default, the activities from the embedded processes are also included in the list. To exclude embedded process
activities from generating forms, clear
Include embedded processes.
If a custom embedded process is used in an Activity form, the embedded page is loaded prior to the actions being performed; therefore, only the default values selected are passed to the embedded page.
- To keep the name from appearing in the Associated file property of the corresponding activity, clear Update processes with associated forms.
To save the changes of the activity to your work queue at runtime, select
Include save button.
The Save button appears at runtime when you take the activity.
By default, all activities in the Activities list are selected. To exclude an activity from the generated form, clear
the check box for that activity. Verify that you have at least one activity selected.
To change the form name and category, do the following:
- Select the row and click on the header.
- In the Form name field, change the form name as needed.
- On the Category list, select the category with which you want to associate the form.
- Click OK.
Generate and save to save the generated form. Alternatively, click
Generate and release to release the form.
The generated form appears on the Forms page.
When you build an MFP activity form, and if a desktop form already exists, a message appears to inform you that the desktop version of this form already exists. Click Yes in the message to embed the MFP tablet form into the existing form.
From the context menu of an MFP activity form, you can copy, delete, unlock, regenerate, and debug a form, and view versions of a form. See Work with forms and Form debugging.
- To configure and customize forms, see Configure a Scan activity and Customize the capture forms.
You can change the settings of a process or activity on which the form is generated. See Configure the properties of a form.
When generating the Activity form for a Scan activity, the Scan action is available by default. This action is associated with the StartButtonPressed event on the form. The Scan action is not available when generating the Activity form for ordinary activities.
Edit an MFP activity form
Once an MFP activity form is generated, you can edit it as needed.
Navigate to
The Forms page appears.
On the list of MFP activity forms, click the form to open.
The MFP activity form opens in a new browser tab. The existing properties of the form are displayed in the properties panel.
- Make changes as needed.
You can associate the form with another process.
- On the form modeling bar, click .
- Under Update associated file, select the Process and Activity to associate the form with.
The form is updated with the selected process and activity.
- Save the form.