By default, some form settings are set with default values. You can change the values for those settings to suit your configuration.
Form layout settings
- Form width mode
The width mode for a form is Fixed or Percentage (default). When you create a new form or form template or automatically generate a form, the width mode of the form defaults to this system setting.
The custom forms in Kofax TotalAgility Workspace are also displayed in percentage or fixed width mode according to this setting. If you change this setting from percentage to fixed or vice-versa, you must delete the deployed forms.
On upgrading TotalAgility, by default the width mode of the form is set to Fixed.
- Cell alignment
- The cell alignment adjusts the cells on the form. You can align the cells on a form to Center/Left/Right or None. (Default: None)
- Label alignment
- The label alignment adjusts the labels associated with controls on the form. You can align the label to the Top or Left. (Default Top)
When you create a new blank form, build a form (all form types) or regenerate a form, the cells and labels on the controls appear as per the cell alignment and label alignment settings set in the system settings.
- For a process with activities, but no associated form, the form generated at runtime will appear as per the system settings.
- Cell padding
- The cell padding adjusts the cell values on the form. You can set the default values for the cell padding on a form. (Left, right, top, and bottom)
When you try to create or modify a form, by default, the cells are added using the specified values as per the system settings. You can also update the cell values as required from the cell properties.
By default, the forms are cached on the client-side browser for faster loading performance. Only the most frequently accessed forms are stored in each cache. When the form is reloaded, it is retrieved from the cache and the content is refreshed.
On upgrading TotalAgility, the form caching retains the original setting configured in the previous version. However, we recommend that you enable caching of forms if the same forms are going to be used repeatedly. This improves performance.
For best practices on form caching, refer to "Form cache" in Kofax TotalAgility Best Practices Guide.
- Use form cache
Form caching only applies to Desktop forms.
- Use document form cache
Document form caching only applies to Document forms. Improves performance when navigating to a document with a type or changing a document type to one that has already been visited during the session.
- Use folder form cache
Folder form caching only applies to Folder forms. Improves performance when navigating to a folder with a type or changing a folder type to one that has already been visited during the session.
- Form cache size/Document form cache size/Folder form cache size
The cache size determines the maximum number of each form type to be cached on the client-side browser. As the cache size increases, more memory is used on the client machine. When the number of forms exceeds the maximum number, the least requested form is removed from the cache to add the latest.
- Enable document pre-loading
If selected, TotalAgility pre-loads the documents in the background. This improves user interface responsiveness but may result in a higher server load.
By default, TotalAgility does not pre-load documents in the background. This reduces the load on the server, but the user interface responsiveness may be slower.
Images and custom images
- Base image URL
The location other than the default location from where the system picks up the images.
By default, the images are available in the Images folder in TotalAgility.
When you add an Image control to a form, the system picks the images from the base image URL set in system settings.
- Image refresh duration
An interval to refresh a downloaded image from the database. (Default: 120 minutes)
Images and custom pages are stored as assets within TotalAgility and can be used in forms. When you load a form that uses a custom image or page for the first time, the item is downloaded from the database. On subsequent visits, when a form is requested that uses an image or page from the database, the forms server checks if the image or page has already been downloaded and verifies if the last modified date is greater than the current date-time plus the duration. If yes, the latest image or page is downloaded from the database refreshing the image.
Any updated image or page is then shown on a form until the duration has passed.
- Custom page refresh duration
An interval to refresh a downloaded page from the database. (Default: 120 minutes)
For best practices on image refresh duration and custom page refresh duration, refer to "Refresh durations" in Kofax TotalAgility Best Practices Guide.
Capture form behavior
- Confirm / Validate field with TAB key
If selected, enables the use of the Tab key to confirm and navigate to the next capture field if Disable field navigation is not active in Validation control. Confirming or validating a capture field using the Tab key improves efficiency. (Default: Clear, which means you must press ENTER then TAB to confirm and navigate to the next field.)
The Disable field navigation behavior takes precedence over the TAB key's normal behavior of navigating to the next field.
- Auto-validate field after OCR lassoing
If selected, the system populates the field with the lassoed value and confirms the field. (Default: Clear, which means you must press ENTER after lassoing to confirm the field.)
- Highlight entire capture field text on click
If selected, automatically selects the entire contents of a field on clicking into a field. (Default: Clear)
- Scroll image viewer with mouse wheel
If selected, scrolling is enabled in the capture activity image viewer using the mouse wheel.
You can use the following key combinations for scrolling and/or zooming in on the Image viewer.
Vertical scroll = mouse wheel
Horizontal scroll = Wheel+Shift
Zoom = Wheel+Shift+Alt
If this setting is clear, use the following key combinations:
Vertical scroll = Wheel+Shift
Horizontal scroll = Wheel+Shift+Alt
Zoom = Wheel
Default design themes
The default theme to apply to forms (desktop/mobile for touch and non-touch).
- Desktop
A theme to apply for the desktop forms. (Default: TotalAgilityWorkspace)
The available themes are Classic, Crisp, Crisp Touch, Gray, Neptune, Neptune Touch, TotalAgility Workspace, and Triton.
A theme imported from an earlier version of TotalAgility 7.6.0, or available on upgrading to TotalAgility 7.6.0, defaults to Classic for the desktop forms.
- Touch
A theme to apply for the touch forms. (Default: TotalAgilityWorkspace)
Available themes are iOS, Material, Neptune, TotalAgility Workspace, and Triton.
A theme imported from an earlier version of TotalAgility 7.6.0 or available on upgrading to TotalAgility 7.6.0, defaults to Triton for the touch forms.