Manage a job schedule
A schedule defines when a job should be run.
To open the Job schedules page, navigate to . A list of existing job schedules is displayed.
Use the following links to learn how to manage a job schedule:
See also: Job schedule examples
Create a job schedule
To create a job schedule, specify the business process to use, and when and how often the schedule must run.
On the
Job schedules page, click
The New job schedule dialog box is displayed.
- Enter a Name for the new job schedule.
Select the
Category for the schedule.
By default, the category is set to your working category.
- By default, the job schedule is Active.
On the
Process list, select the process you want to schedule.
If the selected map has any initialization parameters, the parameters appear under Initialization parameters.
- To map the variables to the initialization parameters, on the Mapping list of the parameter, select a server variable to map, or click and enter a static value.
To control when and how often a job repeats, do the following in the
Schedule group:
To specify the
Start time for running the job, select either option:
Now: The job runs the moment it is created.
Specific time (default): Enter or select the start date and time for the job to run.
- Enter or select the Number of jobs to create each time the schedule runs. (Default: 1)
How often, select how frequently the jobs must run.
The available options are:
Once (default): The jobs run only once.
Every (X) minutes: Enter or select the number of minutes and select the check boxes to specify whether the job should run all days or any specific days of the week.
Hourly: Enter or select the number of hours and select the check boxes to specify whether the job should run all days of the week or any specific days of the week.
Daily: By default, the job runs every day from Sunday to Saturday and ends after 1 occurrence. To exclude specific days when the job must not run, clear the check boxes for those days.
Weekly: By default, the jobs run once a week. Enter or select the number to specify how frequently the job must run. For example, enter 2 for the job to run twice a week.
Monthly: The jobs run once a month. Enter or select the number to specify how frequently the job must run. For example, enter 2 for the job to run twice a month.
- To specify the time for the job to end, select End at a specific time and select the date and time. (Default: Clear)
- To specify the number of occurrences of a job after which the job must end, select End after number of occurrences and enter or select the number of occurrences. (Default: Clear)
To specify the
Start time for running the job, select either option:
In the
Options group, set the following:
- If the next scheduled execution time arrives while a job is still running, a new instance can be created. To enable only one job at a time, clear the check box for Create new job if one is running. This will prevent a new instance of the job from being created until the current one is complete.
To restrict the schedule running on specific working hours and days, select
Use business calendar. (Default: clear)
By default, the schedule runs on all calendar days.
- Click Save.
Modify a job schedule
You can modify a job schedule.
- On the Job schedules page, locate the job schedule.
Click the job schedule to modify it.
The Edit job schedule dialog box is displayed.
Make changes as needed and click
You can unlock job schedules and modify them based on your access control list permissions. See Lock status search.
Delete a job schedule
You can delete a job schedule.
- On the Job schedules page, locate the job schedule.
On the context menu for the job schedule to delete, click
On confirmation, the selected job schedule is deleted.
Job schedule examples
To schedule a job to run just once on a certain day and time |
To schedule the job to run once every Monday and Friday, and end after 10 occurrences |
To schedule the job to run once a week on a Wednesday night, starting in 2 weeks and ending in 16 weeks. |
To schedule the job to run twice every 6 months. |