Events and actions supported by form and basic controls
Form/ Form controls | Event supported | Actions supported |
Form |
Capture activity forms operate differently from other form types in how they render. This is due to the ThinClient control, which requires that the onLoad actions are complete before the control can fully render itself. So even though the Before render or After render events may have triggered on the containing form, the form itself may not have been rendered to the required state. For best practices on form loading events, see "Form loading events" in Kofax TotalAgility Best Practices Guide. |
All |
Column |
None |
None |
Row |
None |
None |
Cell |
None |
None |
Label |
Selection changed |
None |
Text box |
Text changed |
All |
Button |
Clicked |
All |
Table |
Row selected, Row deselected |
All |
Drop-down list |
Selection changed |
All |
Check box |
Check changed |
All |
Radio button list |
Radio button selection changed |
All |
Calendar |
Date changed |
All |
Tab |
Tab loaded |
All |
Hyperlink |
None |
None |
Image |
None |
None |
Horizontal rule |
None |
None |
Chart |
Clicked |
All |
Tile |
Clicked |
All |
When a form fails to load, an error lists the reason for failure, such as the name of the event that failed to trigger upon form load.