Build forms
Building or automatically generating forms lets you quickly deliver product screens. These forms contain the appropriate controls and actions to support your solution.
Build capture forms
You can generate a capture form for a capture-enabled process that has a capture activity such as Scan, Validation, Verification, or Document review, using a Multiview activity or an Activity form.
When you generate a form for a capture-enabled process that has a capture activity, a corresponding form is generated, and a corresponding control is automatically added to the form. For example, when you generate an Activity form for a capture-enabled process that has a Validation activity, a Validation form is generated, and a Validation control is automatically added to the Validation form.
Once a form is generated, you can open the form in design view and customize it to your requirements.
See Customize the capture forms.
For best practices on enhancing capture forms with non-capture data, see "Combine capture with non-capture" in Kofax TotalAgility Best Practices Guide.
Build MFP forms
You can automatically generate MFP forms to access from Lexmark MFP devices.
When you generate these forms, the ScanStatus variable is automatically added to the form. The value of the variable is set to the message associated with each scan (success or failure). If the existing forms do not have the ScanStatus variable, the variable is added on regenerating the forms.
A ScanFailed event is raised when scanning or uploading fails for any reason including user cancellation.
The generated form has the following format: <process name>_<MFP form type>. For example, <LoanApproval_MFPScan>, where LoanApproval is the process name and MFPScan denotes that it is the MFP Scan type form.
You can build the following forms in TotalAgility: