Modeling bar
The modeling bar of Process designer includes tabs that help in designing a process.
- File
Use this tab to perform the following commands:
Info: Displays the basic information for the process:
Last modified by: The resource who last modified the map.
Last modified date: Date the process was last modified.
Status: Status of the process such as New, Saved, or Released.
Version: The version of the current map. A saved map displays the minor version, such as 0.1 and a released map displays the major version, such as 1.0.
Creation date: Date the process was created.
Author: The resource who created the map.
Tags: The tags that are associated with a process that is saved or released. See Tag an item.
Associations: Provides visibility of where the process is being used in a current process or which processes are using the current process. See View Associations.
Export: Lets you export one or more process maps between TotalAgility installations. See Export a process.
Version history: Lets you view the version history of a process. For each version you can view the resource that modified it, the last modified date, and comments (if any). You can also open a version of a process if you have the required access permissions.
Documentation: Creates a document for the process workflow. See Document a process.
Update resources: Lets you update all resource-related information without having to update the map version.
For example, you might replace a resource currently allocated to an activity with a resource that has a higher skill level.
When you update the resources for a process that exists in GitHub and the process is not checked out to GitHub or checked out with another user, a warning message appears. When you click OK, the resources are updated without increasing the process version.
Test plan: Lets you create test cases for a process and view the list of test cases that exist for a process. See Create a test plan.
Save: Saves map changes and creates a minor version of the map, such as Get Customer Details v0.01. You can only start a job based on a saved process map if you have a development license.
Save with comments: Saves the form with comments (if any) about the details of the changes for each version.
Release: Releases the map, and creates a major version of the map, such as Get Customer Details v1.0. You can only use a released map in production.
Release with comments: Releases the form with comments (if any) about the details of the changes for each version.
Close: Closes the map without saving it.
Close and unlock: Whenever an item is released, it is locked by default. Use this option to automatically unlock an item.
- Design
Use this tab to model a process, case, or case fragment. See Design a basic process.
The Design section includes:
Action bar: Includes basic actions that help in designing a process. See Action toolbar.
Process properties panel: Includes different tabs for configuring the properties of the process or its selected element. See Process properties.
- Variables
Use this tab to create variables for a process.
- States
Use this tab to create states.
- Milestones
Use this tab to create milestones.
- Roles
Use this tab to create roles.
- Notes
Use this tab to create notes.
- Process events
Use this tab to create process events.
- Data model
- Use this tab to create a local data model.
- Document set
- Use this tab to create a document set.