Additional information about decrementing volume
This section gives you information on decrementing the Imaging and Transformation volumes.
Imaging volume for core capture activities
The core capture activities can decrement the TotalAgility-Imaging volume (activation code 106). The Imaging volume decrements only once per page.
The Imaging volume decrements when you use the following activities or controls to create a page:
Scan create new job or Scan activity
When you use the Scan create new job, MFP, Scan activity, Web capture control, Mobile capture control or File upload control to create pages, alerts related to user's volume levels are sent using the Imaging volume.
The imaging volume is also decremented in the following scenarios:
When a page is created in Image processing or Document conversion activities.
When you use the bar code locator as part of Classification or Extraction activities.
When you copy a document with pages.
Transformation volume for an automatic capture activity
An automatic capture activity in a process can decrement the Kofax TotalAgility - Transformation volume. The transformation volume decrements only once per page.
It is recommended to always have at least one Transformation volume on your license even if your processes and capture projects are configured not to use and Transformation volume. This is because the license checks are carried out before it is known if a process or capture project needs a Transformation volume or not. Having at least one Transformation volume ensures successful processing even if the Transformation volume is not decremented.
The transformation volume is decremented when a page is used for the following:
Classification or separation of a document by any methods configured in the Transformation Designer.
Extraction of data by any locator other than the bar code locator.
If a bar code locator and additional locators are used on a page, the Transformation volume is decremented and imaging volume is not.
The office documents (.docx, .txt, .xlx) result in decrementing Transformation volume when you select the "All text" option on the Extraction mode list under PDF text extraction. See the Capture properties of the process.
The Microsoft office formats are first converted internally into a PDF and then text extraction settings are applied to it. The text layer in the word document is used for data extraction in the further course of processing as it contains the ideal text.
Volume for composite activities
A Composite activity decrements volume based on the net effect of activities included.
When you include an activity in a Composite activity that decrements the Imaging or Transformation volume, the Imaging or Transformation volume is decremented for any pages that are not removed during the execution of the Composite activity.
Imaging page volume when creating a page
When you create a page in Kofax TotalAgility, the Imaging volume is decremented in the following scenarios:
Ingesting pages through Kofax Import Connector, Kofax TotalAgility SDK, ScanClient Scan clients, MFP, and the Web capture, File upload, or Mobile capture controls.
Creating pages using the document conversion functions. For example, converting a PDF or Microsoft Office document to pages using an Image processing activity.
Retaining the document using the CreateJobSyncWithDocuments\CreateJobSyncWithDocument API.
Creating a copy of a page using the Kofax TotalAgility SDK.
Imaging volume is not decremented for the following:
Image processing
PDF generation (Imaging or Imaging and Transformation)
Bar code/Patch code/Fixed page separation
Transfer (Linked servers)
Activities that do not decrement volume
The Imaging or Transformation volume is not decremented in the following scenarios:
Viewing any file in any TotalAgility viewer user interface, irrespective of the format of the file being viewed.
Executing a field, folder, or document validation logic by a user action or by the SDK.
Viewing, moving, or classifying pages in Validation, Verification, and Document review.
Transferring pages between sites.
Deleting pages.
Exporting pages.
Importing pages through the Kofax Import Connector in TotalAgility.
Volume for blank pages and separator sheets
Using the Kofax Import Connector import functionality, you can configure a process to remove blank pages and patch code separator sheets before decrementing image volume, so you are not charged for unused pages.
If the blank pages are removed before the job is started, the volume is not decremented for the deleted pages.
If the first Classification activity after import uses a Separation profile configured to delete separators (with Bar code\Patch code separation), the separator pages are deleted. However, the Imaging page volume is decremented because reducing the volume happens before the deletion of separators. You cannot add a separation profile in the import setup the same way as the Scan\VRS profile for the deletion of blank pages. Separator pages are deleted, and subsequent activities do not decrement the volume of the deleted pages.
The TotalAgility Transformation volume is NOT decremented if a document is classified by bar code or patch code separation.