Build a Logon form
Generate a Logon form automatically without creating an external web page that you then redirect to your site.
Navigate to
The Forms list page appears.
On the
Generate list, select
Logon form.
The Generate logon form dialog box is displayed.
On the
Type list, select one of the following options.
Windows authentication
Creates a Logon form that uses Windows authentication. When you open this form in the browser, the system automatically logs you on to TotalAgility and opens the Work queue form.
Creates a Logon form that uses manual login. When you open this form in the browser, you need to enter the password to log in.
To allow manual login using a password select Use password. In case you forget the password, you can reset the password using the Forgot password link. See Reset the password.
Federated security
Creates a Logon form that uses federated security. See Federated security.
If you are an existing user in TotalAgility and you open a Logon form that uses federated security, the Authentication provider page opens where you need to select the authentication provider. Upon successful login, the system automatically logs you on to TotalAgility.
If more than one authentication provider is configured, on the list, select the authentication provider to use. -
If you are not an existing user in TotalAgility and you open a Logon form that uses federated security, the Authentication provider page opens where you need to select the authentication provider. Upon successful login, the system logs you on to TotalAgility and the user is added to TotalAgility using the User claim mappings or by specifying the username, name, or Email address. See Configure the federated security.
If you generate a Logon form using federated security, a JavaScript action is added to the Logon form. This action dynamically creates buttons and panels based on the number of federated providers defined in TotalAgility at runtime. See JavaScript action.
- Enter the Form name.
- On the Category list, select the category.
Generate and save or
Generate and release.
The form is generated. By default, the generated form has the following format: LogonForm.
Reset the password
- Open the Logon form at runtime.
- Enter your Username.
Click the
Forgot password? link.
The Forgot Password page appears.
- Enter a valid email address in the Email address box.
An email with a URL to reset the password is sent to the specified email address.
Click the URL and reset the password.
Click Cancel to log in using the old password.