Configure capture properties of a process.
- Classification group
A classification group to associate with the process to help classify documents. You can dynamically set the classification group for the process using a process or server variable of type String. The process variable holds the GUID of a classification group. You can copy the GUID from the General tab of the classification group.
See Create a classification group for more information.
- Initialize from scan
If selected, creates a capture-enabled process so that the data within Kofax Analytics for TotalAgility reports can be used to filter the data returned.
A capture-enabled process lets you create the Scan create new job form and Device create new job form on the process. At runtime, TotalAgility automatically initiates (or restarts or awakens from a wait state) a process to which an inbound document is required. For example, initiating an instance of the "loan approval" process when a loan application document is received.
A capture-enabled process also allows you to save scanned images as rendition, and modifications of imported documents.
In a capture-enabled process, the initialization variables must include one (not multiple) variable of either Document or Folder type; otherwise, you cannot save the process.You can set separation profile, scan/VRS profiles, Device (separation profile, scan/VRS profile), select scanned images as rendition, and allow modification of imported documents for business processes only. You cannot do this for case and case fragments.
- Separation profile
Optional. If associated, separates documents and assigns folders to documents during processing.
- Bar code and patch code detection profile
- Optional. If associated, detects bar codes and patch codes within documents.
See Create Bar code and patch code profiles and Bar code and patch code detection activity.
- Scan/VRS profiles
By default, the Default scan/VRS profile is associated with a capture-enabled process to perform image processing on Scan create new job forms. You can associate additional scan/VRS profiles with the process. The System always takes the first profile as the default profile. To change the order of the profiles and use another profile as the default, use or .
- Device
Separation profile: Optional. If the separation profile is associated with the process, the document separation is performed on the Device create new job forms. The pages removed by a separation profile do not decrement imaging volume licenses.
Scan/VRS profile: If a scan/VRS profile is associated with the process, the image processing is performed on the Device create new job forms using the selected scan/VRS profile's settings. Otherwise, the default scan/VRS profile settings are applied.
If you do not specify the Device scan/VRS profile, image processing is skipped.
The pages removed by scan/VRS profile do not decrement imaging volume licenses.
- Scanned image
If Save as rendition is selected, TotalAgility saves the incoming, preprocessed image to the selected page rendition.
- Allow modification of imported documents
By default, the system allows you to modify documents and images that are imported but not scanned. You can disallow modification so that you do not lose the original data by clearing the check boxes for these options.
Merge / Split / Delete: Merges or splits documents and deletes pages.
Rotate / Reorder: Rotates images and reorders pages.
PDF text extraction
- Extraction mode
The mode of extracting text from PDF. Available options are:
All text: Extracts both visible and invisible text (default).
Visible text only: Extracts only visible text.
Automatic: Extracts only visible text. If results are empty, then extracts by including invisible text in the results.
Ignore all text layer: Extracts PDF through OCR and ignores the PDF text layer.
- Word separation
The characters to use as word separators. When processing the PDF, text or strings of text containing these characters are treated as separate words. For example, "1234/56" is treated as three separate words, "1234", "/", and "56".
Default characters are: "/", ":", "(", ")", "-" and "#".