Remove Cookie

The Remove Cookie action removes one or more cookies from the set of current cookies.


The Remove Cookie action can be configured using the following properties:

Domain Pattern

Specify a pattern that matches the domain of the cookie. The pattern must match the entire domain of the cookie.

Path Pattern

Specify a pattern that matches the path of the cookie. The pattern must match the entire path of the cookie.

Name Pattern

Specify a pattern that matches the name of the cookie. The pattern must match the entire name of the cookie.

Value Pattern

Specify a pattern that matches the value of the cookie. The pattern must match the entire value of the cookie.


Consider a cookie named "PREF" having domain "", path "/" and value "123". This cookie can be removed by setting Name Pattern to "PREF". However, this will remove all cookies named "PREF" regardless of their domain, path or value. So if only this cookie should be removed (assuming that this is the only cookie with this name, domain and path), set Domain Pattern to "", Path Pattern to "/", Name Pattern to "PREF" and Value Pattern to "123".

In order to remove all cookies unconditionally, set all patterns to ".*".