Macros for notifications
To provide details about the job or condition in the notification, insert macros in the message. The macros are replaced with the corresponding values when the notification is sent to the user.
Insert the macro as shown in this example:
An error occurred when sending the document to ${BatchClass}.
The email is generated as follows:
An error occurred when sending the document to Order Forms.
The macros you can use depend on the type of notification.
Status notifications from Kofax Capture
When reporting on the status of the job, values are taken from Kofax Capture. Supported macros include all macros available in Kofax Capture with the following differences:
If the {Repository Document ID} macro is used in an email notification, all other values and macros are not expanded. Remove the {Repository Document ID} macro to enable values and macros to be expanded correctly in Kofax Capture.
An additional Kofax Capture macro for {Queue} is available, and it expands to the name of the current queue the batch is in. The {Queue} macro can be used in Kofax Capture, and it is not displayed in the Kofax Capture batch or index field macro dropdown lists.
Internal Error Notification macros
The following macros are supported for the Internal Error Notification. These include Kofax Front Office Server specific data related to the failed document. These macros are not supported for other notification types.
Transaction Received macros
The following macros are supported for Transaction Received. These macros are not supported for other notification types.
${Pages}: Total pages received at the server.
${SubmittedTime}: Time when the transaction was received at the server.
${SubmittedDate}: Date when the transaction was received at the server.