Creating and editing shortcuts

You can configure a shortcut to save time by applying preset values when documents are sent from a device or the Thin Client to a destination or Kofax Front Office Server user. A shortcut enables you to define preset values for data fields and scan settings that are available to users, and to configure the format of images exported to a destination. You can control user access to shortcuts by assigning them to device profiles and user groups. Shortcuts are always available on the Local Client, even when it is disconnected from the server.

  • Creating a new shortcut

  • Associating a shortcut with device profiles: Shortcuts associated with a device profile (called "global" shortcuts) are available to all users of the MFP without requiring users to log on.

  • Associating a shortcut with a group: Shortcuts associated with a group (called "group" shortcuts) are only available to the users in the group, and they are only visible after the user logs on to the MFP.

  • Editing a shortcut: If you make changes that affect an existing shortcut, it should be edited and saved. For example, if a shortcut is based on a Kofax Capture destination, and you add or remove a validation script affecting the specified form type / batch class, the change is not automatically inherited by the shortcut. Therefore, you must update the applicable Kofax Capture settings on the General tab for the shortcut.

  • Removing shortcuts

There are four classes of shortcuts: global, group, direct, and personal.





Where it is used



The Thin Client



The Thin Client

Who can use it

All users

Only members of groups associated with the shortcut

All users

Only the user who created it

Who creates it





Where it is created

Administration Console

Administration Console

Administration Console

Thin Client

How it is created

Create the shortcut and associate it with a device profile.

Create the shortcut and associate it with a group.

Create a single shortcut and associate it with a device profile. In the device profile, do not select Logon.

Create personal destination in the Thin Client based on the existing destination.

How users access it

Available on the main Kofax Front Office Server menu at the MFP. Shortcuts appear as buttons on the MFP front panel.

User logs on at the MFP or the Thin Client and is a member of the group associated with the shortcut. Shortcuts appear as buttons on the MFP front panel and in the shortcut panel in the Thin Client.

No shortcut button is added to the MFP. The user presses the Kofax Front Office Server button and goes directly to the indexing or scan screen.

User logs on at the MFP or the Thin Client. Shortcuts appear as buttons on the MFP front panel and in the shortcut panel in the Thin Client.

Note the following:

  • The coversheet does not support shortcuts.

  • If you add or change index fields in Kofax Capture or in a queue set definition, you need to save the shortcuts. The next time the MFP connects to Kofax Front Office Server, the changes are retrieved. You also need to edit and save shortcuts if you add or remove validation scripts.