Administration Console window

The Administration Console window consists of the following elements.

Refresh button

Updates the window to reflect the most current settings.

(User name)

Indicates the user who is currently logged on to Administration Console.

Display active sessions

Displays the active sessions for the active user and gives you the option to sign out from them.

Log Off button

Logs off the current user and displays the log on window. Use this button to log on as a different user.

(Display Help)

Opens Help for the Administration Console window.

About button

Displays the About box, which shows the product version number and copyright information.

Navigation panel

This panel, which appears on the left, lists the settings that are managed by Administration Console:

  • Devices

  • Destinations

  • Shortcuts

  • Device Profiles

  • Thin Client Permissions

  • Notifications

  • Users

  • Groups

  • Transaction Review

  • Settings

Properties panel

This panel appears to the right of the Navigation panel. The item you select in the Navigation panel appears in the Properties panel, which is used to add items and view or change settings. The Properties panel may contain the following:

  • Tabs: Click a tab to view or change settings. An item may have more than one tab.

  • Buttons: Click a button to perform a task.

  • Check boxes: Use a check box to select an item. Use the check box in the table header to select all items. Clear a check box to cancel a selection.