Troubleshooting the Unified Client for Fujifilm

This section provides information for troubleshooting problems with the Unified Client for Fujifilm.

Card reader issues

  • If you are experiencing any issues using the Fujifilm ICCR-B Card Reader to log in, verify that the IC Card Reader B USB Setup Plugin device setting is deactivated:

    1. For your Fujifilm device settings, go to Web Device > System > Plug-in Settings.
    2. If the IC Card Reader B USB Setup Plugin setting is Activated, change it to Deactivated.
    3. Plug in the card reader and try to use it again.

  • If you are using the Fujifilm ICCR-B Card Reader, verify that the following configuration is complete:
    1. Open HID Omnikey 5x27 Reader Management page.
    2. Click the Keyboard Wedge tab.
    3. On the General Config tab, complete the following settings:
      1. Select the Keyboard Wedge Enabled checkbox.
      2. In the Keyboard Wedge list, choose Output Type.
      3. Select the Boot Interface checkbox.
      4. In the Card Out Event Keystrokes field, leave [ENTER]. This is the default value.
  • Sometimes, after tapping your card once, the Fujifilm ICCR Card Reader beeps several times and automatically logs in and logs out of the Unified Client for Fujifilm. Do the following:

    1. For your Fujifilm device settings, go to Web Device > System > Plug-in Settings.
    2. If the IC Card Reader B USB Setup Plugin setting is Activated, change it to Deactivated.
    3. In the IC Card Selection and Settings screen, enable the card types you want to use with the card reader.
    4. When tapping a card at the device, move the card away from the card reader once the beep is complete.

Host name limitation

Due to a Fujifilm device specification, the Unified Client for Fujifilm may not work properly if the server host name is more than 31 characters. To resolve the issue, do one of the following:

  • Shorten the server host name.
  • Change the DRS application to use the server IP address instead of the host name:
    1. Open DRS.
    2. Click the Application tab.
    3. Select Fujifilm UC application and click Edit.
    4. Change all of the server addresses from host name to IP address.
    5. Save the application.
    6. Reinstall the Unified Client for Fujifilm.

Installation issues

  • If you experience an installation failure after running the Install and Configure action in DRS, verify that the following issues have not occurred:
    • You cannot get a device token from the Equitrac server because there is a duplicate device serial number. Delete the duplicate physical and embedded device entries in Equitrac and try again.
    • Some device models will refuse an installation command if there is paper on the input tray. Remove all paper and try again.
  • The Unified Client for Fujifilm cannot be installed if the device already has an XCP plugin, Fujifilm Unified Client plugin, or another authentication plugin installed. Delete the plugin and try again.

Login issues

User IDs that are longer than 32 characters or contain the following types of characters cannot log in to the Unified Client for Fujifilm:

  • special characters or unicode characters, or
  • any of the following characters: " + ; < > ? [ ] ( ) { | }
To resolve the issue, modify your user ID or use a different one.

TLS 1.2 with DWS

If you are using a TLS 1.2 connection, you must run the DWS service as an administrator and not the default Local Service.