Available Batches window in Thin Client Correction

Use this window to select which Thin Client Correction batch to process.

The following columns help when selecting which Thin Client Correction batch to open:

This is the name of the batch.
Batch class
This is the name of the batch class used by the batch.
This is the current status of the batch. For further details, see Kofax Capture Help.
The ID of the batch. This typically is the same as the Name of the batch.
The importance of the batch.
Station ID
The unique ID of the station where a batch is processed.
The date the batch was created.
Indicates whether a batch is marked with an error flag.
Scan User
The user name of the user who scanned and created the batch.
Scan Station ID
The ID of the station where a batch is scanned and created.
Batch Field Value
Information about the batch field.
Important This column is only available if the Thin Client Server is installed with Kofax Capture 10 which is configured to store batches in a Microsoft SQL Server.

Other options are available to help determine how batches load and what batches are displayed in this window:

Open next batch automatically
Select this option if you want the next batch to automatically load when the batch you are working on is closed or suspended.
Include suspended batches
Select this option to automatically load suspended batches. If this option is not selected, you need to manually open suspended batches.
Important This option is only available for the Thin Clients if they are running with Kofax Capture 10 or an earlier version.
Enable filtering
Select this option if you want to restrict the number and types of batches that are displayed in this window.
Important This option is only available for the Thin Clients if they are running with Kofax Capture 10 or an later version.

In addition to the typical Thin Client Correction window buttons, the following buttons are available:

Click this button to open the Filter Batches window.
Click this button to update the list of available batches.