Reject documents in Thin Client Verification

If you are unable to verify a field, you may be able to override the value so it is marked as verified.

In some situations, you cannot validate a field. Reasons for this include:

  • The image is smudged and illegible.

  • The value on the image is not accepted as a valid value.

Since rejecting a document sends the batch to Quality Control when you close it, you should only use this option when there are no other options available.

A rejected document is marked in two ways.

  1. The Reject Document option is toggled by clicking Reject Document icon when toggled in in the toolbar.

  2. A rejection icon is displayed on that document in the Batch Content pane. There are six different icons for document rejection:

    • A rejected document or PDF with no errors Document Rejected icon/PDF Rejected icon

    • A rejected document or PDF with errors Document Rejected and Invalid icon/Rejected and Invalid PDF icon

    • A rejected document or PDF with a warning Rejected Document with Warning icon/Rejected PDF with Warning icon

If you reject a document, you are prompted to explain a reason for the rejection in the Rejection Note window.

The Rejection Note window enables you to provide a reason why you are rejecting a document. You can choose from the following options:


This is a list of predefined rejection reasons as configured by your solution integrator.


This option enables you to type a specific reason to explain why you are rejecting a document. You can also select a predefined reason and augment it by adding additional text here.