Validate documents

The goal of the Thin Client Validation user is to review extraction results and to ensure that all information is valid. You can also mark documents for extraction online learning.

Project administrators set up extraction fields to extract document data. They also configure the Thin Client Validation layout that is displayed in the Fields pane. Any fields with validation errors are highlighted and marked with an error icon Error icon and need to be addressed.

Fields can be invalid for several reasons. Some of these include:

Poor OCR results

This option means that some letters and values are not recognized as expected. In this case, you need to type the valid field value.

An unconfident or incorrect result

When extraction is configured by your solution integrator, they may specify a minimum confidence that all fields must meet in order to be valid. If a field is unconfident, this means that the minimum threshold was not met. Alternatively, the extracted result may not meet the configured criteria. In either case, you need to validate the result.

A value could not be found on the document

When extraction is configured by your solution integrator, they may specify that certain fields must be extracted in order for a document of that class to be valid. In this case, where extraction failed to return a result, you need to type a result.

Incorrect classification of the document

Extraction is dependent on the class assigned to a document. As a result, if the document is incorrectly classified, any field values are incorrect. In this case, you need to assign the correct class and then manually assign the valid field values.

A zone does not line up with the document because of stretch or skew

Zones are configured to coordinates of a page. If a document is stretched or skewed, the zones may not line up to the correct areas of the document. In this case, you need to type the valid field value.

You are not able to close a batch that contains invalid fields. As a result, you need to do one or more of the following: