Correct single characters

If Kofax Transformation Modules - Server is uncertain about whether it has recognized a character correctly, a single character correction is required. All unconfident characters for the field are highlighted yellow in the data entry area of the Current Field pane.

The current character is surrounded by a red border, and its position in the field is shown in the image area.

You can make a single character correction by pressing the correct character key while the current character is surrounded by a red border. The next unconfident character loads automatically, so there is no need to press Enter.

If there is more than one unconfident character in a field, you can use the Left Arrow and Right Arrow keys to navigate between the characters.

  1. Ensure you have a character selected.

    The current field is selected automatically after correcting the previous field.

  2. press Delete.

    Alternatively, to remove the previous character, press BACKSPACE.