View the full image

You can use the Image viewer to locate and key the current field data if it is not displayed fully in the normal Current Field view. This may happen if the data is out of alignment with the extraction zone used by the recognition engine. You can enable this mode by clicking the View Full ImageView Full Image icon toolbar option, or by pressing the keyboard shortcut F9.

You can view more of the image, or zoom in on an area of interest using the mouse wheel, the Zoom In Zoom In icon, Zoom Out Zoom Out icon, Best Fit Fit to Page icon, Fit Page to Height Fit Height icon, and Fit Page to Width Fit Width icon toolbar options and the scroll bars, or their corresponding keyboard shortcuts. You can also pan an image by holding down your mouse key and dragging the image so the desired location is displayed.

Tip Correcting fields this way can be time-consuming. As a result, you can override the field so it is reviewed by a validation operator.
  1. Use the View Full Image View Full Image icon toolbar option to open the Image Viewer. Alternatively, use the modal keyboard shortcut F9.
  2. Locate the data on the image.
  3. Type the data into the field at the top of the screen and press Enter.