Thin Client Correction toolbar

The toolbars give you quick access to important features. You can manage batches, get more information and log off using the main toolbar located across the top of the window. The main toolbar is separated into several sections.

The Thin Client Correction Batch toolbar has the following options:

Toolbar Icon Name and Description

Open Batch icon

Open Batch

Displays a list of available batches.

Suspend Batch icon

Suspend Batch

Saves and closes the current batch so it can be processed at a later time.

Close Batch icon

Close Batch

Exits the current batch.

The Thin Client Correction View toolbar has the following options:

Toolbar Icon Name and Description

View Full Image icon

View Full Image

Enables you to view and zoom in on the full image.

Zoom In icon

Zoom In

Increases the magnification of the current page in the Document Viewer.

Zoom Out icon

Zoom Out

Decreases the magnification of the current page in the Document Viewer.

Fit to Page icon

Best Fit

Adjusts the magnification of the image so it fits within the Document Viewer.

Fit Width icon

Fit Page to Width

Adjust the size of the image so the entire width of the image displays in the Document Viewer pane.

Fit Height icon

Fit Page to Height

Adjust the size of the image so the entire height of the image displays in the Document Viewer pane.

The Thin Client Correction Field toolbar has the following options:

Toolbar Icon Name and Description

Insert Last Value icon

Insert Last Value

Copies the Previous Field value into the Current Field.

Insert OCR Value icon

Insert OCR Value

Copies the recognition value into the Current Field.

First Field icon

First Field

Navigates to the first field in the batch.

Previous Field icon

Previous Field

Navigates to the Previous field in the batch.

Next Field icon

Next Field

Navigates to the next field in the batch.

Last Field icon

Last Field

Navigates to the last field in the batch.

Next Invalid Field icon

Next Incorrect Field

Navigates to the next field in the batch that is not correct.

Correct Whole Field icon

Correct Whole Field

Puts the field into a mode where the entire contents can be edited.

Forced Valid icon

Override Field

Overrides the field so it is correct and automatically loads the next incorrect field.

The Thin Client Correction Help toolbar has the following options:

Toolbar Icon Name and Description

Help icon


Opens the Help in another window or tab.

About icon


Displays information about the Thin Client module.

Log Off icon

Log Off

Logs you off the Thin Client module.