Database search window with multiple search columns
This window enables you to perform searches or select a record that overrides the current field values in the selected document.
If the window is pre-populated with search results, you can select one and it populates the validation fields.
Type a value into one or more of the search fields at the top of each column. Press enter or click Search to perform the database lookup. Any results are returned in the table.
For example, if you enter a value of <10 into a numeric or date field, the search finds all records that have a value of less than 10. Any values in a string column that contain the search string, are returned as well. Using the same example, "House <1023>" is also found in a string field.
For database columns with the" string" type, it is also possible to use wildcards as part of the search text. If your solution integrator has already configured wild cards for this lookup, that behavior is overridden. For example, if you search for "%No," the wild card character is the start of the search, and the search returns "November," "Note," "Notice," etc.
Use the following keyboard shortcuts to navigate around the window:
Keyboard Shortcut |
Description |
Left Arrow |
Navigates to the column on the left in the editable row only |
Right Arrow |
Navigates to the column on the right in the editable row only |
Up Arrow |
Navigates to the row above the current position |
Down Arrow |
Navigates to the row below the current position |
Enter |
Performs a search using the entered keywords |
Ctrl + Enter |
Selects a search record and closes the window |
Delete |
Deletes the content of a cell |
Esc |
Closes the window when not in edit mode. Exits edit mode |
The following buttons are available on the window:
- Search
Performs a search and returns a list of records
- OK
Overwrites existing data with the selected record values
- Cancel
Closes the window without updating any fields
- Help
Displays the Help for this window