Auto completion
Text fields allow auto completion, which uses your input to provide a list of matching OCR results.
For each character you type, the input text is checked against the OCR results, and if ten or fewer results are found, a list shows those results. Each of the results are also highlighted on the image to allow you to further narrow your search. You can continue typing, eliminating OCR results that no longer match with each subsequent character, or use the Up Arrow and Down Arrow keys to select the correct entry.
If your system integrator enables auto complete, they can also choose whether or not to ignore case. If this option is set to true, case is not important. If this option is set to false, you have to use the correct case when you input data.
You can select the values from the list using the Up Arrow and Down Arrow keys and either the Esc or Tab keys to type the selected value in the field. Using the Enter key also validates the field.