Thin Client Verification Batch Content

The batch hierarchy is displayed in this pane, and can contain foldersFolder icon, documentsDocument icon, and PDF documents PDF Document icon. Documents and PDF documents with validation errors are identified with an error icon overlaid on top of their document icon.

If you modify a document or PDF document and navigate away without pressing Enter to validate it, it is identified with a warning icon overlaid on top of their document icon.

The following table shows the various document states and their associated icons displayed in Thin Client Verification:

Icon Description

Document icon

A document with no errors or warnings

Document Error icon

A document with one or more errors

PDF Document icon

A PDF document with no errors

PDF Document Error icon

A PDF document with one or more errors

Document Warning icon

A document with at least one warning

PDF Document Warning icon

A PDF document with at least one warning

Document Rejected icon

A rejected document with no validation errors

PDF Rejected icon

A rejected PDF document with no validation errors

Document Rejected and Invalid icon

A rejected document with one or more errors

Rejected and Invalid PDF icon

A rejected PDF document with one or more errors

Rejected Document with Warning icon

A rejected document with a warning

Rejected PDF with Warning icon

A rejected PDF document with a warning

You can move between documents using the mouse, by clicking on one of the documents in the Batch Content pane. When a new document is selected, the first page of that document automatically loads in Document Viewer. A thumbnail for each page in the document is displayed in the Thumbnails pane.

You can resize and collapse this pane to display more or less of the documents in the following ways:

Important Collapsing the Batch Content pane also collapses the Thumbnails pane.