Merge to the previous document

If a document is incorrectly separated into one or more documents, you can merge the separate documents into a single and complete document. If documents are added incorrectly to two separate folders, you can merge the folders into a single folder, provided the folders are at the same level.

Important The Merge to Previous batch operation is not available for the first document in a folder or the first folder in a batch, or on a document with masking.
Tip You can only merge one document at one time, so if a document is split into several smaller documents, merge each section separately. Ensure the documents to be merged are in the correct order by rearranging them as necessary. Start with the split document that contains the last pages of the complete document, and merge it with the previous split document. Continue merging until the document is complete.
  1. In the Batch Content Pane, select the document you want to merge to the previous document.
  2. Right-click the document, and then click Merge to Previous on the shortcut menu.

    The selected document is merged to the end of the previous document.