Validate list boxes

List boxes (combo boxes) are fields that allow you to type in a value or select it from a list. A list box can be configured in one of two ways. The default option enables you to type any value into the field, regardless of it being in the list or not. The other option restricts entry to the values in the list.

If a list has more than 1000 entries, the list is broken down into pages making it easier to fine entries in a long list. You can navigate through the entries using the First First icon, Previous Previous icon, Next Next icon, and Last Last icon buttons at the bottom of the list or by pressing Page Up, Page Down, Ctrl + Page Up, or Ctrl + Page Down. Alternatively, type the list page number and press Enter. The specified page is displayed.

  1. Select the field you want to validate.
  2. Select the desired value from the list box.
  3. Press Enter to validate the field.

    If the field is valid, it turns green on the image, and the next invalid field or table cell automatically loads.