Bulk approval email processing

An email for bulk approval email processing is sent at a specific time interval, based on a scheduled job. This email contains several invoices. For more information about the scheduled job see the Kofax AP Agility Configuration Help.

These bulk approval emails contain a configured subject, body, and details about each invoice, as well as the Approve, Reject, and View buttons for each individual invoice.

In addition to this information, the following buttons are available that apply to all invoices in the bulk approval email.

Approve All

Click to approve all of the invoices listed in the bulk approval email. A reply email is opened in your email client where you can provide details about the approval reasons for the invoices or simply send the approvals.

Reject All

Click to reject all of the invoices listed in the bulk approval email. A reply email is opened in your email client where you can provide details about why you rejected the invoices.

With this combination of individual invoice buttons and the bulk buttons, it is possible to reject a single invoice by using the Reject button for that invoice, and then use the Approve All button to approve the rest of the invoices in the email.