Put Invoice On Hold window
This window has the following settings.
- Hold Reason
Select a reason for why you are placing this document on hold. This list is configured by your solution administrator.
- Comments
The selected Hold Reason affects the behavior of this field. As a result, it is possible that this field is disabled. If this field is enabled, it is mandatory to enter a comment that explains why you are placing this document on hold.
The following buttons are available at the bottom of the page.
- Cancel
Deletes your comments without submitting the document. Returns you to the document so that you can made further changes.
- OK
Click this to accept the comments without submitting the document. You are returned to the document where you can make additional changes before submitting. You can also change the Routing Option if circumstances with this document change.
- OK and Submit
Click this to accept the comments and submit the document without additional changes to the current step.
When an invoice is put on hold, it stays in its current queue with (Hold) added to the activity name.
The reason for the hold is listed in the History tab.
A user working on document on Hold cannot reroute that document, increase its priority, or send emails related to that document. Because of this, the Routing Option list, the Increase Priority, and the Send Email buttons are disabled.