Lines tab
This tab is broken down into two parts. The top portion of the tab is a table that displays the extraction results for each line on a document. As well as the Invoice Total, a Line Total and whether or not the lines are gross amounts or net amounts. The bottom of theLines tab lists the fields and settings that are relevant to the selected line or lines in the table above.
The table displays individual extraction results for the various line values .For PO invoices, this includes the receipt number, receipt line fields, the purchase order number, material number, and so on. The table also indicates the Status of a line that indicates if it is mandatory or not to select the GL Code, and if enabled, the Cost Center Code and the Work Breakdown Structure. A red circle indicates that these fields are mandatory and a green circle indicates that they are not mandatory. Click on the red status circle to indicate which fields are mandatory.
Select the check box for one or more lines to make changes. When a single line is selected, all fields for that line item are displayed and populated with their current values in the area below the table. If multiple lines are selected, only the fields and settings that are relevant to all selected lines are displayed.
In addition to the field extraction results the following settings may be available for the selected line items.
- GL Code
Select a recently used code from the list or click Choose GL Code to select another GL code from the Choose GL Code window.
- Cost Center
Select a recently used cost center structure from the list or click Choose Cost Center to select another cost center structure from the Choose Cost Center Code window.
This setting may be disabled for this organization by your Administrator.
- Work Breakdown Structure
select a recently used work breakdown structure from the list or click Choose WBS to select another work breakdown structure from the Choose Work Breakdown Structure Code window.
This setting may be disabled for this organization by your Administrator.
The following buttons are available when modifying a line.
- Save Changes
Saves any changes to the invoice lines.
- Clear
Clears all values from the selected invoice line. If you pressed this by accident, the only setting is to discard the changes for the entire invoice and start again.
- Add Line
Adds a line to the list of invoice lines. Once added, populate the line as necessary.
- Delete Line
Deletes one or more lines from the table.
- Split Line
Opens the Split Line window where you can split the selected line into multiple lines.
- Choose GL Code
Click to select the GL code assigned to this line item.
The Choose GL Code window is displayed.
- Choose Cost Center
If enabled, click to select the cost center assigned to this line item.
- Choose WBS
If enabled, click to select the work breakdown structure assigned to this line item.
This tab is read-only when a document is on Hold and when a Comment Request is made for a document.