Cancel Invoice window
This window has the following settings.
- Reason Code
Select a reason for why you are rejecting a document from the list.
The available settings are as follows.
Vendor Not Found
Missing/Invalid PO
PO Vendor <> Invoice Vendor
Invoice Amounts Do Not Add Up
Third Party Freight
Missing/Invalid Vendor and PO
Non-VAT Compliant
Stock Invoice
Zero Value Invoice
Vendor Address Invalid
The invoice is a duplicate
- Comments
Enter a comment that explains why you are routing this document.
The following buttons are available at the bottom of the page.
- Cancel
Deletes your comments without submitting the document. Returns you to the document so that you can made further changes.
- OK
Click this to accept the comments without submitting the document. You are returned to the document where you can make additional changes before submitting. You can also change the Routing Option if circumstances with this document change.
- OK and Submit
Click this to accept the comments and submit the document without additional changes to the current step.