Common actions

You can perform the following actions in more than one of the accounts payments activities.



Manage lines

The Coding activity, Approval activity, Line Pairing Exception activity, and the Exception activity.

Discard Changes to a document

The Coding activity, Approval activity, Exception activity, Line Pairing Exception activity, and the Comment Request activity.

Increase the priority of a document

The Coding activity, Approval activity, Line Pairing Exception activity, and the Exception activity

Reassign a document

The Coding activity, Approval activity, Line Pairing Exception activity, and the Exception activity

Reject a document

The Coding activity and the Approval activity

Request a comment

The Coding activity, Approval activity, Line Pairing Exception activity, and the Exception activity.

Save and Retain Ownership of a document

The Coding activity, Approval activity, Exception activity, Line Pairing Exception activity, and the Comment Request activity.

Send an email about a document

The Coding activity, Approval activity, Line Pairing Exception activity, and the Exception activity.

Put a document on Hold

The Coding activity, Approval activity, Exception activity, Line Pairing Exception activity, and the Comment Request activity.