Choose GL Code window

Use this window to add a GL code to a line item.

This window has the following settings.

Line Item Description

A read-only description for the selected line item. If there is no description, this is left blank.

If multiple lines are selected, the value for this field is set to Multiple Lines Selected.

Material Number

A read-only value of the Material Number for the selected line item. If there is no number specified, this is left blank.

If multiple lines are selected, the value for this field is set to Multiple Lines Selected.

There are two ways to use this window. You can select an existing GL Code from your recently used GL Codes or from your list of favorites. Alternatively, you can manually select each segment in a GL code individually.

Use one of the groups below to select a GL Code
Select GL Code from lists

This group has the following settings:

Recent GL Codes

If applicable, select from the list of up to the ten most recently used GL codes.

Favorite GL Codes

If applicable, select from the list of GL codes that you marked as favorites.

Remove Favorite

Deletes the selected favorite GL code from your list of favorites.

This group has the following buttons.


Cancels your selections and returns you to the list item form.

Set GL Code

Assigns the manually selected GL Code and displays the code segments along with their descriptions on the line item form.

Select individual GL segments

If neither the Recent GL Codes nor the Favorite GL Codes has a suitable GL code, you can select the GL code manually.

The list of displayed segments is configured by your Administrator, with anywhere between one and 15 segments. The content of each drop-down list includes the GL code for that segment as well as a description.

If GL segment hierarchy is enabled then only the first segment is available for selection. If that is the case, once a value is selected for the first segment the second segment becomes available. If there are additional segments, they are enabled only after previous segment is selected. Filtering is performed on the selected segment value before the next segment list is populated. This ensures that valid segment codes are selected, as invalid codes are never presented to the user.

If entries in the Recent GL Codes or Favorite GL Codes do not adhere to the hierarchical format, they cannot be applied to an invoice. As a result, if you have any invalid codes in your favorites list, remove them manually as they are no longer valid.

This group has the following buttons:

Save as favorite

When selected, the manual GL code is added to the Favorite GL Codes for future invoices. (Default: Cleared)

Set GL Code

Assigns the manually selected GL Code and displays the code segments along with their descriptions on the line item form.


Cancels your selections and returns you to the list item form.