Configure approval email notifications
If you are a member of the AP Approvers resource group, you can approve emails in two ways. First, you can Approve a document via the AP Agility Workflow or you can configure email notifications so you are sent an email whenever one or more invoice requires approval. This enables you to approve documents without needing to access the AP Agility Workflow. You receive notifications for those organizations or business units only that you are configured to approve.
Each member of the AP Approvers resource group is able to configure their own notifications and they receive emails for invoices that they have permissions to approve. It is recommended that each Approval activity user configures their own unique email address, and not a shared email address.
You can configure email notification for approving one or more invoices by following these steps:
- Access Kofax AP Agility.
On the menu, select
The Email Approval Configuration page is displayed.
Send Email Approval Notification.
Several other settings are enabled.
For the
Email Notification Type, select one of the following settings.
Immediately for each invoice assigned to me.
This send an email for every invoice that requires your approval.
By schedule for all pending invoices assigned to me.
This sends a single email with all invoices accumulated in the specified time period. If there are more invoices than the Max count of invoices per email, a additional email is sent.
Note that the minimum Days count is one.
Edit the
Email Subject,
Email Body, and the
Invoice Information as needed for your email notifications.
Use the following list of tags to configure your email.
Your user name in Kofax AP Agility and Kofax TotalAgility.
The number of invoices available for your approval.
The organization name.
The business unit.
The file name of an invoice attachment.
The invoice vendor name.
The invoice date.
The invoice amount.
The invoice currency.
The date from the Kofax TotalAgility server when an email is generated, in YYYY-MM-DD format.
The UTC date from the Kofax TotalAgility server when an email is generated, in YYYY-MM-DD format.
- Select Attach invoice to email if you want to attach the invoice or accumulated invoices to the email.
A notification indicates when the notification is saved.
The Email Approval Configuration page is closed and you are returned to the work queue.