Document viewer pane

Use this pane to view the document image.

This pane has the following toolbar settings to help you view the document image. If the zoom level is larger than the entire document, scroll bars enable you to move around the document.


Name and Description

Previous Page

Navigates to the previous page in the document, if available.

Next Page

Navigates to the next page in the document, if available.

Move Up

Moves the page up in the document page sequence, if applicable.

Move Down

Move the page down in the document page sequence, if applicable.

Zoom In

Increased the magnification of the page.

Zoom Out

Decreases the magnification of the page.

Full Size

Changes the size of the page in the document viewer to its original size, keeping the page ratios the same. If the document is smaller than the space available, the entire page is visible. If the page is larger than the space available, use the scroll bars to move around the document.

Best Fit

The entire page of the document is visible in the document viewer.

Fit To Width

Fits the entire width of the page into the document viewer, enabling you to scroll up and down to see the rest of the document.


Displays the document image into its own window.