Set a cost center code as a favorite

If you use a cost center code regularly, it is possible to mark it as a favorite cost center code so that it is displayed in the Favorite Cost Center Codes list.

You can mark a cost center code as a favorite by following these steps:

  1. Open a document and if it is not already selected, click on the Lines tab.
  2. Select a line item from the table by selecting its check box.

    The line and its values are displayed in the fields below the table.

  3. Click Choose Cost Center.

    The Choose Cost Center Code window is displayed.

  4. In the Select individual Cost Center segments area, select a value for each segment.
  5. Select Save as favorite.
  6. Click the Set Cost Center button at the bottom of the page.

    The Choose Cost Center Code window closes, your selected cost center code is displayed in the Cost Center field, and your cost center code is displayed in the Favorite Cost Center Codes list for subsequent lines on this and future invoices.