Exception activity - action bar

The Exception activity action bar contains the following buttons and settings.


Sends the document to the next step in your process according to the selected Routing Option.

A window is displayed for each activity so that you can provide comments about the document and why it is being submitted.

Routing Option

Select a value from the list to modify or process your document. Selecting certain options displays an additional window where you can provide additional information or correct existing information. The following values are available.

Routing option


Resolution Complete

This is the default option when using the Exception activity. Because of this, whenever a user clicks Submit with the default routing option, the invoice is routed to the next step after an exception is resolved.

Indicates that you fixed an invoice in the exception state and that it is ready to continue through the workflow.

Enter your comments in the Resolution Complete window.

Cancel Invoice

Cancels the invoice and removes it from further processing.

Enter your comments in the Cancel Invoice window.


Assigns the invoice to another user.

Enter your comments and select the other user in the Reassign Activity window.

Comment Request activity

Requests additional information about the invoice from another Kofax TotalAgility resource.

Enter your comment request in the Enter Comments window.

Hold activity

Places the invoice on hold from further processing.

Enter your comments about why the invoice is on hold in the Put Invoice On Hold window.

Return for Data Validation

Indicates that the invoice has problems with its data and sends the invoice back in the process so that another user can validate its data.

Enter comments about why you are routing this invoice in the Return for Data Validation window.

Save and Retain Ownership

Saves the document without sending the document for further processing. You are redirected to the work queue where the document remains owned by you so that you can pick it up and continue working on it at a later time.

Discard Changes

Deletes any changes made during the current operation. The document is closed and you are redirected to the work queue where you are still the document owner.

Increase Priority

Increases the priority of a document in 10-point intervals. Use the Priority column from the Kofax AP Agility work queue to sort and prioritize activities.

Opens the Increase Priority page so that you can enter a reason for the priority increase.

Increasing the document priority does not complete the current activity.

Send Email

Enables you to send an email about an invoice. You can choose to attach the invoice to the email or place the invoice on hold after sending the email.

For example, you may want to double-check the invoice amount with the vendor. You can place the invoice on hold so that it is paused until you hear back from the vendor.

Opens the Send Email window so that you can create and then send an email.

Not Duplicate

When selected, this check box indicates that the document is not a duplicate and should be accepted for further processing.