Increase the priority of a document

If you notice that the due date of a document is approaching it is possible to ensure that the priority of a document is increased so that subsequent users an process those documents with higher priorities first.

Since the documents listed in the Kofax AP Agility Work Queue can be sorted by any column, increasing the priority of a document ensures that it is displayed near the top if the sort is applied to the Priority column.

You can increase the priority of a document by following these steps:

  1. Open a document in the Approval activity, the Coding activity, or the Exception activity.
  2. Process the document as required and then click Increase Priority from the action bar.

    The Increase Priority window is displayed.

  3. In the Increase Priority window, do the following.
    1. Enter your reason for increasing the priority of the document into the Comments field.
    2. Click OK.

    You are returned to processing the document and the priority of the document is increased by 10 points or another interval configured by your Administrator. You are not able to see this increased priority until you are finished processing that document. The priority increase is also recorded on the History tab for that invoice.

  4. When you are done processing the document, click Submit.

    The document is sent to the next step in the workflow with a higher priority.