Advanced Bar Code Settings Window

Use this window to select advanced bar code property settings. The settings provide information about the physical characteristics of the expected bar codes, and help the bar code engine find and read bar codes.

The properties available on this window reflect the options supported by Kofax Capture, and not the properties supported by all bar code types. Any option selected for a recognition profile that is not supported for a particular bar code type is ignored, and no warning or error messages appear.

Width (inches)

Enter the width of your bar codes. This is the physical thickness of the narrowest element in your bar codes. You can enter a number from .01 to .05 inches.

This option applies only to one-dimensional bar code types. It is ignored for two-dimensional bar code types.

Height (inches)

Enter the height of your bar codes, which is the physical distance between the top and bottom of the bars. You can enter a value from .15 to 1.25 inches.

The value of Height is used in conjunction with the bar code quality setting to determine the most efficient number of probes the bar code engine makes to find bar codes within a search area.

Minimum length

Enter the minimum number of characters encoded in your bar codes. You can enter a number between 0 and 64. Bar codes with less than the minimum length are not returned.

This option applies only to the variable-length bar code types. It is ignored for all other bar code types.