Batch Processing Window

The Batch Processing window provides status information for a batch being uploaded from Batch Manager at the remote site to the Kofax Capture workflow at the central site. Batches that are ready to be uploaded are placed in the Kofax Capture Network Server module in Batch Manager. Then, if you need to upload a particular ready batch immediately to the central site, you can select and process the batch. The Batch Processing window appears at the remote site.

Updates to the status messages and other processing information are based on the polling settings defined for this window.

You can immediately receive updated status by clicking Check Now, rather than waiting for the next scheduled batch status update.

Last send attempt

Displays the date and time that an attempt was made to upload or insert the batch.


This displays the current operation being performed. The operations include:

  • Uploading Batch: Displayed while a batch is preparing to upload, during file transfer, and while the batch upload is occurring.

  • Uploaded Batch: Displayed after a batch has been uploaded.

  • Inserting Batch: Displayed while the central site is inserting the batch.

  • Inserted Batch: Displayed when the central site has inserted the batch. The batch is removed from the remote site, the Batch Processing window is closed, and focus returns to Batch Manager.

  • Check batch status in: # seconds: Specifies when the batch status is checked again. The interval to wait is established in the Batch Processing Dialog Polling Settings window, and counts down by 1. When it reaches the end of the countdown, it checks the status of the batch, and updates the display. It then restarts the countdown, if the batch has not yet been inserted.

During the countdown time, click Check Now to immediately check the status, or Check Later to dismiss the window.

Status box

The status box displays a log of the activities performed by the RSA. Each message includes the date, time, message, and originating station ID. In addition, error messages are displayed in this box.

Check Now button

Click to immediately check the batch's status.

You could use this button to check the status of a batch earlier than the number of seconds indicated in the Check batch status in: # seconds status message.

Check Later button

Click to dismiss the window.