Unattended Mode - An Overview

The Scan module offers unattended mode to support automatic batch separation, the ability to scan several batches in succession without intervention from the Scan station operator. The batches are separated by special batch separator sheets.

With unattended mode, a scan operator can set up a stack of documents consisting of several batches to be processed in succession without interruption. The scan operator is required to enter minimal information before the first batch is scanned in unattended mode. The batch class name is bar coded on a separator sheet inserted at the beginning of each new batch. Each separator sheet also includes the patch code reserved for batch separation in the Administration module. The scan operator can use the standard Create Batch window or Open Batch window to assign a name to the first batch that scans in unattended mode.Kofax Capture uses the time and date stamp to automatically assign a name to each subsequent batch.

Unattended mode is recommended for processing a large volume of documents with similar scanning attributes. Keep in mind that settings associated with image cleanup and endorsing must be selected prior to scanning, because you cannot change them while unattended mode is enabled. Therefore, your selections should be appropriate for all the batches to be scanned while unattended mode is in effect.

For example, image cleanup and general endorser settings are associated with the batch class and they cannot be changed in the Scan module. (However, the start number for the endorser can be set when you create the initial batch in the Scan module.) The scanner profile selected when you enter unattended mode remains in effect until you exit. Other settings, such as the document separation method, can change from batch to batch while unattended mode is in effect.

For unattended mode,Kofax Capture uses the same patch code and bar code settings defined by the separation and form identification profile for Kofax separator sheets. These settings are required to read the patch codes and bar codes from the batch separator sheets. When you enter unattended mode, Kofax Capture automatically puts the settings into effect, and they override any patch code and bar code settings defined in the batch class.

For example, Code 128 is the bar code type used to encode the batch class name on batch separator sheets. While unattended mode is enabled, Code 128 is the only bar code type that the Scan module recognizes, and Code 128 cannot be used for any other purpose. Therefore, any page-level bar codes that use Code 128 are not recognized by the Scan module while unattended mode is enabled. However, you could safely use any bar code type for a zone-level bar code, because zone-level bar codes are processed by the Recognition Server module.