Image Cleanup Profiles Window - Horizontal Line Removal

Use this window to select options for a Horizontal Line Removal operation.

You must specify the height and width of the horizontal lines to remove, as well as other characteristics of the lines. All horizontal lines that satisfy the characteristics you specify are removed.


Select the name of the Image Cleanup Profile you want to modify or use as the basis for a new profile.


Select the filter you want to apply. The fields in the Custom Settings area are different for each image cleanup filter.

Minimum length

Enter the minimum length of the horizontal lines to remove.

Maximum height

Enter the maximum height (thickness) of the horizontal lines to remove.

Maximum gap

Enter the maximum size of a gap in a line to ignore. Most lines on an image contain runs of white pixels, which create gaps in the lines. The value you enter here determines the maximum size a gap can be and not be considered the end of the line.

Edge clean factor

Enter the edge clean factor for the horizontal line removal operation. Most lines on an image contain a certain amount of noise (extraneous black speckles) on their edges. The value you enter here determines the maximum amount of space around the lines being removed from which extraneous speckles are removed.

Tip For most operations, you should set Edge clean factor to 1 or 2 pixels. Setting it too high could cause a loss of data. Setting it to 0 forces no speckle cleanup after the horizontal line is removed.

Repair characters

Select this check box to enable character repair after the horizontal lines are removed. You specify the maximum and minimum widths of the characters to repair. Characters that satisfy the characteristics you specify are repaired after the horizontal lines are removed.

Tip If the horizontal lines you want to remove intersect text characters on the image, you should enable Repair characters. Then, the characters are repaired after the lines are removed.
Maximum width

Enter the maximum width of the characters to repair.

Minimum height

Enter the minimum height of the characters to repair.

Measurement units

Select units of measurement for your horizontal line removal options. You can select one of the following:

  • English (inches)

  • Metric (centimeters)

  • Pixels

Test button

Tests your zone settings. Your recognition profile and cleanup settings are applied to the zone and the results are displayed in the Zone Test window. The contents of the test results match the search text specified in this window.

The Test button is unavailable if the sample page is displayed from the Document class tree view. The sample must be displayed from the Batch class tree view tab if you want to use QuickZones to verify your recognition and cleanup settings.