Document Class Properties Window - General Tab

Use this tab to view or edit the properties for a document class. Some properties are read-only and cannot be changed.

Related Tabs


Enter up to 32 characters, including spaces. (Leading and trailing spaces are removed.) The name, which must be unique, is not case-sensitive.


Enter up to 80 characters. The description is used for informational purposes only, and it appears whenever properties for the batch are displayed.

Index Fields

Edit the list of Index fields. You can add a new index field by clicking the New Index Field button and editing the information in the Index Fields table. You edit an index field by selecting it from the Index Fields list and then changing the attributes.


Enter up to 32 characters, including spaces (leading and trailing spaces are removed). The name, which must be unique, is not case-sensitive. This is the name of an index field or a table field.

By default, index field names are added in the form Namen (where n is a value from 0 to the maximum number of index fields). Since the name of the index field is displayed during validation in the Validation module and Verification module, you should choose names that are meaningful to your validation and verification operators.

Display Label

For each batch field or index field, you can enter a corresponding Display Label value. The value in the Display Label (instead of the actual batch field or index field name) is displayed where there are field names, such as in the Scan, Validation, and Verification modules, and in batch properties in Batch Manager.

For example, you may have an index field named cust_name, but you could create a display label to have your users view the field as Customer Name. Or, if you are creating a batch class for use in another region, you could enter the labels in the language of the region importing the batch class.

If a display label is left blank, the batch field or index field name appears.

You may want to limit the length of your display labels. Although the Index/Batch Field Name cannot exceed 32 characters, the display label can contain up to 254 characters. A label that contains more than one line of text wraps to several lines, which may be difficult for users to read.

Field type

Select a field type for your index field. All previously defined field types are available in the drop-down list. In addition to the standard field types, you can also specify (TABLE) as the field type. Doing this converts that row into a table definition row and automatically adds one row to the table.  Once you have done this, you can place index fields within a table by using the Add to Table button.

Define one or more new field types by clicking the New Field Type button.


Enter or select a default value for the index field. You can enter a value, or select from the drop-down list of Kofax Capture Values. If specified, the default value is displayed as data in the index field during validation. The validation or verification operators are able to enter a different value if necessary.

If a list of known values is specified for the field type, those values are also displayed in the drop-down list. If Force match is specified for the known values for the field type, only the values designated as Force match are displayed in the drop-down list.


Select True or False. If set to True, the index field is required to contain a value during validation. The validation and verification operators are not allowed to close the batch until a value is entered for this field.


Select True or False. If set to True, the index field must be verified in the Verification module after being processed in the Validation module.


Select True or False. If set to True, the index field is not shown to the validation or verification operators. This might be useful for certain types of processing. For example, you might want to collect values during automatic validation, and compare them with a validation script. Then, the results can be assigned to a non-hidden index field. Or, you might want to set values in a script that you do not want the validation or verification operators to change.

You cannot set both Required and Hidden to True. If you set one to True, and then attempt to set the other to True, the first one set is reset to False.


Select True or False. If set to True, the value of this index field for a document is carried over to the next document. The validation or verification operators can override the value in the subsequent document if necessary.

If you specify Sticky and a default value, the default is used rather than the value from the previous document.

Total (for numeric fields only)

Select True or False. For numeric index fields, you can set this to True to enable batch totaling. The scan operator is solicited for an expected value for the batch total.

Remove From Table

Removes the selected table fields from a table. The table fields become single value fields and are placed above the table from which they are removed.

This button is only enabled when all selected elements are table fields. The selected fields do not need to belong to the same table.

Add To Table

Adds the selected single value fields to a table. In the case of multiple selections, fields are added in order from top to bottom.

This button is only enabled when all selected elements are single value fields, and each selected field is directly preceded by a table field, table definition, or another selected field. The selected fields do not need to be consecutive.

New Field Type button

Opens the Create Field Type window, where you can define a field type. The new field type is available in the Field Type drop-down list and the Field Types tree view tab.

New Index Field button

Adds a new index field to the Index Fields table. The new index field is added with default values for all the index field attributes, but you can edit the defaults.

You can also right-click in the Index Fields table and do one of the following: select Insert from the context menu or press the Insert key on the standard keyboard or the numeric keypad. If you do so with an index field selected, the new index field is inserted above the selected one. It is added with the same attributes as the selected index field.

Delete Index Field button

Deletes an index field from the Index Fields table. Select the index field you want to delete, and click Delete Index Field.

You can also right-click the index field you want to delete and do one of the following: select Delete from the context menu or press the Delete key on the standard keyboard or the numeric keypad.