User Tracking

Kofax Capture can track activity for each user, which is maintained in statistical records that include information about users, batches, documents, keystrokes, and other common activities.

When you enable the User Tracking feature, tracks user activity in several database tables. The tables contain statistical records that are generated as a user creates and updates Kofax Capture batches and opens/closes processing modules. The records track information about various items such as user actions, documents, and keystrokes.

Note User Tracking must be enabled If you are using Kofax Analytics for Capture.

Depending on your database selection, the user tracking statistics are stored in the standard Kofax Capture database or in your SQL Server, Oracle, or IBM DB2 database. Refer to the Database Utility topics for more information about selecting different databases.

Tracking Linked Users

If the User Tracking and User Profile features are enabled, statistics are maintained for linked operating system users in the same manner as for Kofax Capture users.

Administrative and Login Audit

When User Tracking is enabled, an Administrative Audit and Login Audit are performed. Every action performed within the Administration module is recorded in the Statistics database, including the user who initiated the action and the date and time. User actions related to Kofax Capture login attempts are also tracked.

If an issue arises, the Administrator can use the audit details to determine which change may have introduced a problem. You can also generate reports based on the audit data. See Audit Reports.

Administrative Audit

When User Tracking is enabled, an audit is performed to record the Administration module actions listed here.

User Profile

  • Enable / disable user profile

  • Enable / disable account lockout

  • Lock / unlock non-linked users

  • Edit settings for lockout policy

  • Grant user/group to user profile management permissions

  • Revoke user/group to user profile management permissions

  • Grant user/group to Administration module access

  • Revoke user/group to Administration module access

  • Create new user/group profile

  • Delete user/group profile

  • Import user/group profile

  • Export user/group profile

  • Copy user/group profile

  • Assign module to user/group profile

  • Remove module from user/group profile

  • Assign batch class to user/group profile

  • Remove batch class from user/group profile

  • Edit member on group profile

  • Unauthorized Access To User Profile

Batch Class

  • Create batch class

  • Delete batch class

  • Import batch class

  • Export batch class

  • Rename batch class

  • Disable batch class

  • Insert document class in batch class

  • Remove document class from batch class

  • Insert folder class in batch class

  • Remove folder class from batch class

  • Insert queue in batch class

  • Remove queue from batch class

  • Insert Workflow Agent in batch class

  • Remove Workflow Agent from batch class

  • Change batch class properties

  • Change batch class version

  • Republish batch class version

  • Delete batch class version

Custom Module

  • Add custom module to system

  • Remove custom module from system

Workflow Agent

  • Add workflow agent to system

  • Remove workflow agent from system

Field Type

  • Create new field type

  • Delete field type

  • Change properties

  • Add, edit, or delete field type script

Document Class

  • Create document class

  • Delete document class

  • Rename document class

  • Change properties

  • Add or remove form type

  • Add or remove export connector

  • Create, edit, or remove document validation script

  • Add or remove database validation

Form Type

  • Create form type

  • Delete form type

  • Rename form type

  • Change properties

  • Add or remove sample pages

  • Change properties

Folder Class

  • Create folder class

  • Delete folder class

  • Rename folder class

  • Change properties

  • Create, edit, or remove folder validation script

Recognition Profile

  • Create, edit, and delete recognition profile

  • Create, edit, and delete recognition script

Separation Profile

  • Create, edit, and delete separation profile

Login Audit

When User Tracking is enabled, an audit is performed to record all login events for Kofax Capture modules, including successful and unsuccessful login attempts.