Recognition Profiles Window - Kofax Enhanced PDF Image Only

Use this window to select settings for the Kofax Enhanced PDF Image Only recognition profile. The PDF output file is not searchable.


Use the list to select a recognition profile. The other settings on the window are refreshed to indicate the settings defined for the selected profile.


Kofax Enhanced PDF Image Only is the default setting.

Image Cleanup


Select an image cleanup profile from the list.

Edit button

To modify an existing image cleanup profile or create a new one, click Edit to open the Image Cleanup Profiles window, where you specify the type of image cleanup to use, along with other advanced settings.

Delete button

Use this button to delete the currently selected profile. You cannot delete profiles that are built in to Kofax Capture.

Script button

If available, use this button to assign a recognition script to the selected recognition profile in the Recognition Script window.

Test button

If available, use this button to test your zone settings. Your recognition and cleanup settings are applied to the zone and the results appear in the Zone Test window.

Note The Test button is unavailable when the sample page is displayed from the Document class tree view. The sample must be displayed from the batch class tree view to use QuickZones to verify recognition and cleanup settings.